//So far we have been using simple variables of
//either type 'int' or type 'boolean'. These are
//called primative types because they are just raw
//data and can only store one value -- they don't
//have any other properties apart from the value
//you set them to. Most of the time it is more useful
//to use more complex data types which have more than
//one value in them.
//For example, if you need to store today's date in your
//programme, you would probably make some int variables
//like this:
// int day = 9;
// int month = 3;
// int year = 2011;
//This is fine if you are just handling one date but it
//gets really awkward if you need to store lots of dates,
//say for a calender programme. Another problem is that
//the seperate variables aren't connected in any way even
//though they all belong to the same date. A better way
//to store the numbers is to wrap them up into a new data
//type by writing a 'class':
// class Date {
// int day;
// int month;
// int year;
// }
//When these three variable declarations are wrapped into
//a class they become a new 'complex' type. Now we can
//make a variable which has 'Date' as its type:
// Date myBirthday = new Date();
//The variable 'myBirthday' has three integers inside it
//with the names we gave them in the Date class.
//You can get at the individual variables like this:
// myBirthday.day = 13;
//You write the name of the Date variable followed by a dot
//followed by the name of integer you want to access.
//Using classes is a lot neater than having lots of integer
//variables in your code.
//A class can have any kind of variable inside it that you
//Integer variables
int SCORE = 0;
final int blockPoints = 10;
final int screenWidth = 480;
final int screenHeight = 800;
final int blocksPerRow = 10;
final int numRows = 4;
final int blockWidth = screenWidth / blocksPerRow;
final int blockHeight = 20;
final int firstRowYPos = 50;
//Boolean 'flags'
boolean gamePlaying = true;
boolean winner = false;
int [ ] [ ] theBlocks = new int[ numRows ] [ blocksPerRow ];
//So far we have been using simple variables of
//either type 'int' or type 'boolean'. These are
//called primative types because they are just raw
//data and can only store one value -- they don't
//have any other properties apart from the value
//you set them to. Most of the time it is more useful
//to use more complex data types which have more than
//one value in them.
//For example, if you need to store today's date in your
//programme, you would probably make some int variables
//like this:
// int day = 9;
// int month = 3;
// int year = 2011;
//This is fine if you are just handling one date but it
//gets really awkward if you need to store lots of dates,
//say for a calender programme. Another problem is that
//the seperate variables aren't connected in any way even
//though they all belong to the same date. A better way
//to store the numbers is to wrap them up into a new data
//type by writing a 'class':
// class Date {
// int day;
// int month;
// int year;
// }
//When these three variable declarations are wrapped into
//a class they become a new 'complex' type. Now we can
//make a variable which has 'Date' as its type:
// Date myBirthday = new Date();
//The variable 'myBirthday' has three integers inside it
//with the names we gave them in the Date class.
//You can get at the individual variables like this:
// myBirthday.day = 13;
//You write the name of the Date variable followed by a dot
//followed by the name of integer you want to access.
//Using classes is a lot neater than having lots of integer
//variables in your code.
//A class can have any kind of variable inside it that you
//Integer variables
int SCORE = 0;
final int blockPoints = 10;
final int screenWidth = 480;
final int screenHeight = 800;
final int blocksPerRow = 10;
final int numRows = 4;
final int blockWidth = screenWidth / blocksPerRow;
final int blockHeight = 20;
final int firstRowYPos = 50;
//Boolean 'flags'
boolean gamePlaying = true;
boolean winner = false;
int [ ] [ ] theBlocks = new int[ numRows ] [ blocksPerRow ];
class Ball {
final int Size = 10;
int X = 240;
int Y = 400;
int Xspeed = 5;
int Yspeed = -5;
final int Size = 10;
int X = 240;
int Y = 400;
int Xspeed = 5;
int Yspeed = -5;
final int Size = 50;
final int Height = 25;
int X = 240;
int Y = 700;
Ball ball = new Ball();
Bat bat = new Bat();
void setup() {
size( screenWidth, screenHeight );
background( 0 );
//The draw function is nice and simple
void draw() {
background( 0 );
if( gamePlaying && !winner ) {
winner = checkBlocksGone();
if( !gamePlaying ) {
if( winner ) {
//This time the setupBlockRows() function
//uses 'nested' loops to count through each
//row, and then every column in that row.
//Traditionally, loop counters are often called
//'i', 'j' or 'k' especially when you have
//nested loops.
void setupBlockRows() {
// | ONE | TWO | THREE |
for( int i = 0; i < numRows; i++ ) {
for( int j = 0; j < blocksPerRow; j++ ) {
theBlocks[ i ][ j ] = 1;
void drawBlocks() {
int rowPosition = firstRowYPos;
fill( 200 );
for( int i = 0; i < numRows; i++ ) {
drawOneRow( rowPosition, theBlocks[ i ] ); // <- send just one row of the array
rowPosition = rowPosition + blockHeight;
//void drawOneRow( int, int[] )
void drawOneRow( int rowLevel, int[] someRow ) {
int counter;
for( counter = 0; counter < someRow.length; counter++ ) {
if( someRow[counter] == 1 ) {
rect( blockWidth * counter + 1, rowLevel + 1, blockWidth - 2, blockHeight - 2 );
void moveTheBat() {
fill( 255 );
bat.X = mouseX;
//if the bat 'hits' the left edge move it back
if( bat.X < bat.Size ) {
bat.X = bat.Size;
//if the bat 'hits' the right edge move it
if( bat.X > screenWidth - bat.Size ) {
bat.X = screenWidth - bat.Size;
rect( bat.X - bat.Size, bat.Y, bat.Size * 2, bat.Height );
void moveTheBall() {
ball.X = ball.X + ball.Xspeed;
ball.Y = ball.Y + ball.Yspeed;
if( ball.X < ball.Size ) {
ball.X = ball.Size;
ball.Xspeed = ball.Xspeed * -1;
if( ball.X > screenWidth - ball.Size ) {
ball.X = screenWidth - ball.Size;
ball.Xspeed = ball.Xspeed * -1;
if( ball.Y < ball.Size ) {
ball.Y = ball.Size;
ball.Yspeed = ball.Yspeed * -1;
if( ballHitBat() ) {
ball.Yspeed = ball.Yspeed * -1;
if( ball.Y > screenHeight ) {
gamePlaying = false;
for( int i = 0; i < numRows; i++ ) {
checkBallHitRow( theBlocks[ i ], i );
rect( ball.X - ball.Size, ball.Y - ball.Size, ball.Size * 2, ball.Size * 2 );
boolean checkBallHitRow( int[] someRow, int rownumber ) {
int blockLeft;
int blockRight;
int blockTop;
int blockBottom;
boolean hit = false;
for( int whichblock = 0; whichblock < 10; whichblock++ ) {
blockLeft = 0 + blockWidth * whichblock;
blockRight = blockWidth + blockWidth * whichblock;
blockTop = firstRowYPos + blockHeight * rownumber;
blockBottom = (firstRowYPos + blockHeight) + blockHeight * rownumber;
if( ball.X > blockLeft && ball.X < blockRight ) {
if( ball.Y > blockTop && ball.Y < blockBottom ) {
if( someRow[whichblock] == 1 ) {
someRow[whichblock] = 0;
SCORE += blockPoints;
hit = true;
return hit;
boolean checkBlocksGone() {
int totalblocks = 0;
for( int i = 0; i < numRows; i++ ) {
for( int j = 0; j < blocksPerRow; j++ ) {
totalblocks += theBlocks[ i ][ j ];
return (totalblocks == 0);
void drawScore() {
fill( 255 );
text( "Score: " + SCORE, 10, 10 );
void gameOver() {
fill( 255 );
text("Game Over", 200, 400);
void gameWon() {
fill( 255 );
text("WINNER!", 200, 400);
boolean ballHitBat() {
if( ball.Y + ball.Size >= bat.Y ) {
if( ball.Y + ball.Size <= bat.Y + ball.Size * 2 ) {
if( ball.X > bat.X - bat.Size ) {
if( ball.X < bat.X + bat.Size ) {
//the ball has hit the bat so return the answer is 'true'
return true;
//if we get this far then the ball hasn't hit, return the answer 'false'
return false;
//This is another one of Processing's built in functions
//When the mouse button is pressed, Processing automatically
//calls this function so your program can react.
void mousePressed() {
if( !gamePlaying || winner ) {
SCORE = 0;
gamePlaying = true;
winner = false;
ball.X = 240;
ball.Y = 400;
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