int batX = 240;
int batY = 700;
int ballX = 240;
int ballY = 400;
int ballXspeed = 5;
int ballYspeed = -5;
//So far we have put all the sizes of
//the bat and the ball straight into the code
//where they are being used. There are at least
//two problems with this. First it means that
//we have to enter the same number in lots of
//places in the code so it gets really annoying to
//change the size of the bat and the ball. Secondly
//having meaningless numbers all over the code makes
//it hard to read because there is no clue about what
//the number represents.
//In this version of the code, we are going
//to replace the 'hard coded' numbers with 'constants'
//which are values a bit like variable except that they
//never change during the program. You can make a value
//constant by putting the word 'final' in front of its
//definition. Now we can replace all the numbers in
//the code with the constant name which solves both
//problems: the code is much easier to read because
//it has meaningful words instead of raw numbers in it,
//and now there is only one place we have to change a
//value to make changes to the size of the bat, ball or
//screen. Look through the code to find all the places
//where each constant is used, then try changing the
//values to see how easy it is to make things different
final int ballSize = 10;
final int screenWidth = 480;
final int screenHeight = 800;
final int batSize = 50;
final int batHeight = 25;
//boolean gamePlaying
//This is a new variable. Its 'type' is boolean
//which means it can have the value 'true' or the
//value 'false'. It is used in the draw() function
//to decide when to show the game over screen.
//A variable which can switch from true to false
//is often called a 'flag' in programming speak.
boolean gamePlaying = true;
void setup() {
size( screenWidth, screenHeight );
background( 0 );
//The draw() function is nice and simple
void draw() {
background( 0 );
if( gamePlaying ) {
} else {
void moveTheBat() {
fill( 255 );
batX = mouseX;
//if the bat 'hits' the left edge move it back
if( batX < batSize ) {
batX = batSize;
//if the bat 'hits' the right edge move it
if( batX > screenWidth - batSize ) {
batX = screenWidth - batSize;
rect( batX - batSize, batY, batSize * 2, batHeight );
void moveTheBall() {
ballX = ballX + ballXspeed;
ballY = ballY + ballYspeed;
if( ballX < ballSize ) {
ballX = ballSize;
ballXspeed = ballXspeed * -1;
if( ballX > screenWidth - ballSize ) {
ballX = screenWidth - ballSize;
ballXspeed = ballXspeed * -1;
if( ballY < ballSize ) {
ballY = ballSize;
ballYspeed = ballYspeed * -1;
if( ballHitBat() ) {
ballYspeed = ballYspeed * -1;
if( ballY > screenHeight ) {
gamePlaying = false;
rect( ballX - ballSize, ballY - ballSize, ballSize * 2, ballSize * 2 );
void gameOver() {
fill( 255 );
text("Game Over", 200, 400);
boolean ballHitBat() {
if( ballY + ballSize >= batY ) {
if( ballY + ballSize <= batY + ballSize * 2 ) {
if( ballX > batX - batSize ) {
if( ballX < batX + batSize ) {
//the ball has hit the bat so return the answer is 'true'
return true;
//if we get this far then the ball hasn't hit, return the answer 'false'
return false;
int batY = 700;
int ballX = 240;
int ballY = 400;
int ballXspeed = 5;
int ballYspeed = -5;
//So far we have put all the sizes of
//the bat and the ball straight into the code
//where they are being used. There are at least
//two problems with this. First it means that
//we have to enter the same number in lots of
//places in the code so it gets really annoying to
//change the size of the bat and the ball. Secondly
//having meaningless numbers all over the code makes
//it hard to read because there is no clue about what
//the number represents.
//In this version of the code, we are going
//to replace the 'hard coded' numbers with 'constants'
//which are values a bit like variable except that they
//never change during the program. You can make a value
//constant by putting the word 'final' in front of its
//definition. Now we can replace all the numbers in
//the code with the constant name which solves both
//problems: the code is much easier to read because
//it has meaningful words instead of raw numbers in it,
//and now there is only one place we have to change a
//value to make changes to the size of the bat, ball or
//screen. Look through the code to find all the places
//where each constant is used, then try changing the
//values to see how easy it is to make things different
final int ballSize = 10;
final int screenWidth = 480;
final int screenHeight = 800;
final int batSize = 50;
final int batHeight = 25;
//boolean gamePlaying
//This is a new variable. Its 'type' is boolean
//which means it can have the value 'true' or the
//value 'false'. It is used in the draw() function
//to decide when to show the game over screen.
//A variable which can switch from true to false
//is often called a 'flag' in programming speak.
boolean gamePlaying = true;
void setup() {
size( screenWidth, screenHeight );
background( 0 );
//The draw() function is nice and simple
void draw() {
background( 0 );
if( gamePlaying ) {
} else {
void moveTheBat() {
fill( 255 );
batX = mouseX;
//if the bat 'hits' the left edge move it back
if( batX < batSize ) {
batX = batSize;
//if the bat 'hits' the right edge move it
if( batX > screenWidth - batSize ) {
batX = screenWidth - batSize;
rect( batX - batSize, batY, batSize * 2, batHeight );
void moveTheBall() {
ballX = ballX + ballXspeed;
ballY = ballY + ballYspeed;
if( ballX < ballSize ) {
ballX = ballSize;
ballXspeed = ballXspeed * -1;
if( ballX > screenWidth - ballSize ) {
ballX = screenWidth - ballSize;
ballXspeed = ballXspeed * -1;
if( ballY < ballSize ) {
ballY = ballSize;
ballYspeed = ballYspeed * -1;
if( ballHitBat() ) {
ballYspeed = ballYspeed * -1;
if( ballY > screenHeight ) {
gamePlaying = false;
rect( ballX - ballSize, ballY - ballSize, ballSize * 2, ballSize * 2 );
void gameOver() {
fill( 255 );
text("Game Over", 200, 400);
boolean ballHitBat() {
if( ballY + ballSize >= batY ) {
if( ballY + ballSize <= batY + ballSize * 2 ) {
if( ballX > batX - batSize ) {
if( ballX < batX + batSize ) {
//the ball has hit the bat so return the answer is 'true'
return true;
//if we get this far then the ball hasn't hit, return the answer 'false'
return false;
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